Friday, March 13, 2009

Alpha Male

We recently was blessed with a dog. He is a 3 year old miniature pinscher and the cutest thing in the world. We named him Jazz. I have to admit I wasn't crazy with the idea of getting a "lap dog." I always said, "if we get a family dog, I wanted it to be big enough to knock me down when it jumps on me." Well, it turns out the min pin breed may be small but these dogs don't back down from anything (I'll write how Jazz took on a full sized Boxer at the dog park in another blog). The breed is referred to as the "king of the toy dogs."

My wife and Jazz bonded immediately. She took him for walks and cuddled him and rubbed his little belly. Things were a little different for me and Jazz (maybe the dreadlocks scared him). The first day in the house I called him and he didn't come. I excused his behavior as him getting adjusted to his new family. The next day before church I called guessed it...he didn't come to me. I said, "this is going to stop." While at church that morning, someone commented that Jazz was establishing his dominance in the home. I said okay no more Mr. Nice Guy, whenever I call him, I'm going to expect him to come to me. I was delayed at church and my family beat me home to take the dog for a walk. I got a ride home and opened my front door. I was met at the front door by a growling, barking dog! What did I do? I looked at Jazz and said, "Are you forgetting whose house this is, I AM THE ALPHA MALE in this house let's go for a walk! Jazz discovered on the walk that I had all authority over him. We returned home after about a 20 minute walk. I must admit I didn't know the effectiveness of that walk other than it made me feel better. Two hours after the walk, Jazz ran around the coffee table and sprung up in my lap...what did I do...I cuddled him and rubbed his little belly. We've been best buds ever since.

God showed me through this experience how life (situations) tries to intimidate us by barking, growling and appearing bigger than what those situations are...I not saying these situations aren't real, relevant, or severe that we face day in and day out. I'm declaring we know the ALPHA MALE! The ONE whose name is above all names! The ONE who has ALL AUTHORITY and given us authority and courage to take those situations by the collar and say "are you forgetting whose house this is; let's go for a walk." Today, take depression, oppression, sickness, poverty, etc. for a walk and remind them..the Alpha Male (Jesus) lives big in you and you've been given the DNA of a prince and princess! You are VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST!

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